Policies & Requirements

Registry Terms and Conditions

The capitalized, defined terms used herein are defined by the appropriate agreements between fTLD and relevant contracting parties.

fTLD-approved Registrars shall require all Registered Name Holders (i.e., Registrants) to enter into a Registration Agreement with Registrar and shall incorporate this URL: https://www.ftld.com/policies-requirements and require such Registered Name Holder to affirmatively acknowledge and agree to be bound by the current version of Registry Terms and Conditions, or such updated link or URL to be provided by fTLD (the Registry Operator of .Bank and .Insurance) from time-to-time to Registrar for incorporation into the Registration Agreement.

Policy Requirements: Registered Name Holder agrees to and will comply with Registry Operator’s policies and procedures, as they may be instituted or updated from time-to-time and published on the Registry Operator’s website at https://www.ftld.com/policies, including but not limited to:

–           Registry Operator’s Security Requirements1

–           Acceptable Use / Anti-Abuse Policy

–           Name Allocation Policy

–           Name Selection Policy

–           Privacy Policy

–           Registrant Eligibility Policy

–           Registrant Eligibility Dispute Resolution Policy

–           Reserved Names Challenge Policy

–           Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy

–           WHOIS/RDDS Access Policy

Registry Operator’s Security Requirements means those relevant security requirements described at https://www.ftld.com/security/, which are approved and established by Registry Operator in its sole discretion and incorporated by reference into the RRA as well as any Registration Agreement, and may be updated or amended from time-to-time.

Registry Operator Rights regarding Registered Name(s) or Transaction(s): Registered Name Holder acknowledges and agrees that the Registry Operator reserves the right to deny, cancel, redirect or transfer any Registered Name registration or transaction, or place any Registered Name(s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, as it deems necessary, in its unlimited and sole discretion: (i) to comply with specifications adopted by any industry group generally recognized as authoritative with respect to the Internet (e.g., RFCs), (ii) to correct mistakes made by Registry Operator, Registry Service Provider, Registry Verification Agent, Registrar and/or any other contractually obligated vendors in connection with a domain name registration, (iii) for the non-payment of Fees to Registry Operator, (iv) to protect against imminent and/or substantial threats to the security and stability of the Registry System, Registry TLD, Registry Operator’s operations, (v) to comply with applicable law, government rules or regulations, or pursuant to any legal order or subpoena of any government, administrative or governmental authority, or court of competent jurisdiction, (vi) to stop or prevent any violations of any terms and conditions of this Agreement, Registered Name Holder obligations, or Registry Operator’s Registry Agreement with ICANN, and/or (vii) to protect the rights of Registry Operator and/or avoid any potential or actual liability, civil or criminal, on the part of Registry Operator, Registry Service Provider, Registry Verification Agent, and other contractually obligated vendors, and in each case, their Affiliates, partners, subcontractors, subsidiaries, divisions, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, accountants, attorneys, insurers, agents, predecessors, successors, and assigns.

Acceptable Use and Anti-Abuse Policies:  Registrar shall prohibit the Registered Name Holder from distributing malware, abusively operating botnets, phishing, piracy, trademark or copyright infringement, fraudulent or deceptive practices, counterfeiting or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to applicable law, and consistent with applicable law and any related procedures. Consequences for such activities may include, but not be limited to, suspension of the domain name. Registrar shall not enable, contribute to, or willfully aid the efforts of any Registered Name Holder or other third party to evade or circumvent such prohibitions.

Domain Name Dispute Resolution:  Registered Name Holder agrees to submit to proceedings commenced under, and abide by all decisions made by panels in accordance with, the UDRP and URS procedure. During the Term, Registrar shall have in place a policy and procedures for resolution of disputes concerning Registered Names. Until ICANN adopts an alternative Consensus Policy, Specification and/or Temporary Policy, approved by ICANN, with respect to the resolution of disputes concerning Registered Names, Registrar shall comply with the UDRP. Registrar shall also comply with URS procedure, as well as with any other applicable dispute resolution procedure as required by a Registry Operator for which Registrar is providing Registry Services.

Time of Entry Disputes.  Registrar agrees that in the event of any dispute concerning the time of the entry of a Registered Name registration into the Registry System, the timestamp shown in the Registry System records shall control. In addition, Registrar shall require each Registered Name Holder to agree that in the event of any dispute concerning the time of the entry of a Registered Name registration into the Registry System, the timestamp shown in the Registry System records shall control.

Indemnification: Registered Name Holder indemnifies, defends and holds harmless the Registry Operator, Registry Service Provider, Registry Verification Agent, and other contractually obligated vendors, and in each case, their Affiliates, partners, subcontractors, subsidiaries, divisions, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, accountants, attorneys, insurers, agents, predecessors, successors, and assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, damages, losses, costs, expenses, causes of action, or other liabilities of any kind, whether known or unknown, including reasonable legal and attorney’s fees and expenses, in any way arising out of, relating to, or otherwise in connection with, the Registered Name Holder’s domain name registration. Further, the Registered Name Holder acknowledges and agrees this indemnification obligation of Registered Name Holder shall survive the termination or expiration of the Registration Agreement.

Compliance with Terms and Conditions:  Registered Name Holder shall comply with each of the following requirements:

  • ICANN standards, policies, procedures, and practices for which Registry Operator has monitoring responsibility in accordance with the Registry Agreement or other arrangement with ICANN.
  • Registry Operator’s Operational Requirements, including those set forth on Registry Operator’s websites at https://www.register.bank/reserved-names, https://www.register.insurance/reserved-names, https://www.ftld.com/faq-registrar, https://www.register.bank/faq/ and https://www.register.insurance/faq/. Registrar acknowledges that any additional or updated Registry Operator’s Operational Requirements shall be effective upon Registry Operator’s notification to Registrar of the establishment of such addition or update.
  • All applicable requirements and policies posted on Registry Operator’s website at https://ftld.com/privacy-policy/.
  • All applicable national, state or local law, regulation or court order in relation to its registrations in the Registry TLD.
  • Registrar shall not represent to anyone that Registrar enjoys access to any of the Registry Operator’s Registry System that is superior to that of any other registrar accredited for the Registry TLD.
  • All Public Interest Commitments (as set forth in Specification 11 to the Registry Agreement, as amended from time-to-time) and community registration policies (as set forth in Specification 12 to the Registry Agreement, as amended from time-to-time).
  • Registrar shall not provide, and shall not permit an Affiliate or third party to provide, the use of privacy or proxy registration services by the Registered Name Holder in registering or maintaining domain name registrations with the Registry TLD, as provided in Registry Operator’s Security Requirements and Operations Pledge available at https://www.ftld.com/security/.
  • Registrant shall take all necessary action(s) as directed by Registrar or Registry Operator in relation to compliance actions, directives, or instructions from ICANN, and/or as otherwise directed by Registry Operator in its sole discretion as being reasonably necessary for the provision of Registry Services, and enforcing compliance with Registry Operator’s Operational and Security Requirements and Operations Pledge, including monitoring for compliance regarding the Registered Name.

Prohibited Domain Name Registration:  In addition to complying with ICANN standards, policies, procedures, and practices limiting domain names that may be registered, Registrar agrees to comply with applicable statutes and regulations limiting the domain names that may be registered. Registrar further agrees that the Registry Operator reserves the right to deny, cancel, redirect or transfer any Registered Name registration or transaction, or place any Registered Name (s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, as it deems necessary, in its unlimited and sole discretion, for the purposes detailed above in the section for Registry Operator Rights regarding Registered Name(s) or Transaction(s).

Registrant Compliance: Registrar shall not enable, contribute to or willing aid any third party in violating Registry Operator’s standards, policies, procedures, or practices, and shall notify Registry Operator immediately upon becoming aware of any such violation of registered names sponsored by Registrar.

Compliance Actions: Registrar shall take all necessary action(s) as directed by Registry Operator in relation to compliance actions, directives, or instructions from ICANN, and/or as otherwise directed by Registry Operator in its sole discretion as being reasonably necessary for the performance of the parties’ respective obligations under the RRA.

Records: During the Term, Registrar shall store and maintain records related to Registered Names of the Registry TLD in accordance with the RRA and the Registrar’s RAA.

Domain Name Lookup Capability: Registrar agrees to employ in its domain name registration business Registry Operator’s domain name lookup capability to allow free public query-based access to up-to-date (i.e., updated at least daily) and accurate data showing whether a requested domain name is available or unavailable for registration. Registrar shall comply with requests by Registry Operator to modify and/or update domain name lookup data or access to the domain name lookup capability within five (5) calendar days. If required by ICANN, Registrar also agrees, at its expense, to provide a RDDS service providing free public query-based access to up-to-date (i.e., updated at least daily) data concerning all active Registered Names sponsored by Registrar for the Registry TLD. The data accessible shall consist of elements that are designated from time-to-time according to Registrar’s RAA and any applicable Consensus Policy, Specification and/or Temporary Policy (as defined in the RAA).

Premium Registration Pricing Notification: Non-standard domains have non-uniform registration and renewal pricing such that the Registration Fee for a non-standard domain name registration (e.g., domain names allocated through Request for Proposal or auction, single-characters, two-letters) may differ from the Registration Fee for a standard domain name registration in the Registry TLD. Please contact your Registrar for pricing information or with any pricing questions.

Please contact fTLD at legal@fTLD.com with any questions.

Headline for .Bank callout here

.Bank revolutionizes online security for banks and their customers with an exclusive domain extension that shields against cyberattacks and fraud.

Headline for .Insurance callout

More than a marketing tool, designed to protect sensitive data of customers and trusted interactions in the insurance sector. Providing a secure website and email for insurers and producers to grow your market and protect your good name.