WHOIS/RDDS service is used to look up records in the Registry database and can provide information about:

Domain Records 

  • Such as finding the domain name, registrar name, WHOIS/RDDS server and URL and name server names.

Registrar Records 

  • Such as finding the registrar name, abuse contact email, and phone number.

Consistent with ICANN policy and to comply with applicable national privacy laws or requirements, the public WHOIS/RDDS output display may contain redacted data fields where such data cannot be made publicly available. If you have a legitimate interest or legal basis to contact the registrant and the data is redacted, please refer to the RDDS records available through the registrar URL listed in the WHOIS/RDDS service to request access.

ICANN educational and policy materials are available here: https://whois.icann.org.

By submitting a search query, the user agrees to abide by the WHOIS/RDDS Access Policy.

Headline for .Bank callout here

.Bank revolutionizes online security for banks and their customers with an exclusive domain extension that shields against cyberattacks and fraud.

Headline for .Insurance callout

More than a marketing tool, designed to protect sensitive data of customers and trusted interactions in the insurance sector. Providing a secure website and email for insurers and producers to grow your market and protect your good name.